Our Technique for Relief of Neurological Symptoms

The Neurologic Relief Centers do not claim to treat fibromyalgia pain and other neurological symptoms. We are moving on the premise that it is a condition of the cervical spine causing an uncontrolled firing of the nervous system.


The aim of our technique is simply to reduce the CSF pressure and/or meningeal compression that causes the symptoms of neurologic disorders.


The uncontrolled firing of the nervous system does not always come about from the same misalignment in every person. This results in different manifestations in different individuals, who understandably must be treated accordingly.


Our procedure involves relieving the meningeal compression. It is a series of techniques that are applied at the appropriate times. Some of these are modifications of standard techniques and some we have developed.


Our objective is to free up the neurological structures that are being encroached upon, thus allowing the brain and spinal cord to return to normal function. In most cases, there is little or no pain associated with this procedure. Where there has been severe trauma and many years in which to develop arthritis in the neck, the treatments may take days or weeks to bring relief.


The length of treatment for most people is generally three times a week over a period of eight to ten weeks (eight weeks usually works the best and is the standard for most patients), the treatment schedule often needs personal customization to meet individual conditions.


This is simply because it is in the nature of fibromyalgia and its causative mechanisms for the vertebrae to quickly return to the abnormal state where it has been for so long. And so it becomes of the utmost importance to hold the correction completely in place while the affected ligaments adjust and the body attempts to maintain this new position.


We have found that the longer the condition is present and the more severe the condition, the more intense the treatment needs to be.


Dos and Don'ts During and After Treatment

  • Do not extend the head for more than a second or two.
  • Do sleep with the head in about the same position as when you are standing.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach.
  • Do use a small pillow to support the head while lying on your back, but do not allow it to push against your neck. The pillow should go from your upper back to your head.
  • Do, while lying on your side, put a pillow under your head, letting it support your neck, so your head is straight with your spine.
  • Do not participate in activities that cause bouncing or jarring of the head for at least six months after treatment. We are trying to get the neck to stay in place. This condition is not like other neck problems and does not respond the same. It has been out of place for quite some time in most cases and will need all of the help it can get to stay there.
  • Do not exercise other than walking during the first two months of treatment. Walk often but do not push yourself during this time. After the first month consult with your treating doctor concerning exercise. When you go home, the first six months are critical to help stabilization. Therefore the same rules apply. An exercise bike is good, or a bike that allows you to sit upright, or something that does not cause you to have to look up.


Post Care

Make sure you keep twice-monthly Stabilization Care treatments and tell your Doctor if you have any returning symptoms.

If you are out of the area you will be assigned a Doctor in your area for Stabilization Care.